What To Post On Social Media During COVID-19

Last week I talked about how to keep up with your clients and customers during COVID-19. One of the things I suggested was using social media to connect with your clients to make sure you stay top of mind. This week, I wanted to dive further into that topic and share some specific things you can do on social media during this time. Everyone is viewing a lot more content right now, so I hope these ideas give you and your team some food for thought as you are planning social content for the next few weeks/months.

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10 Things To Post On Social Media During COVID-19

I’ve created a list of ten things you should add to your social calendar right now. You can add these into your regular content roster to truly build a successful social media presence. You should be creating a mix of content and not completely pivoting your social style to just talk about COVID-19. What are you launching right now? What do you typically talk about? Add that into your social strategy too. These next ideas are not the end all be all of what you should be posting right now.

Related Reading: 10 Things To Share On Instagram Stories

1) Live Content That Helps People Escape For A While

Live content is more popular than ever because so many people are at home right now. Live content helps us escape for a while and takes us out of our homes without being out and about. Get some of your employees or customers involved in a live stream to talk about something related to what your company does.

For example, if you are a company that helps other businesses with payroll, hop on a live stream and do a Q&A about small business payroll loans, how to track hours when employees work from home, or something else your customers are having trouble with right now. Come up with a few live stream topics and poll your audience to see what they want to learn more about right now.

Alternatively, you can also have a live stream that’s more fun and happy hour-ish instead. We talked about this kind of live stream a bit during last week’s article about how to keep up with your clients and customers. Do what feels best and most helpful to your customers and followers right now.

2) Useful Resources You’ve Found That Your Audience Might Love

Content curation is extremely helpful, and it can be a great way to connect with your audience. What content are other people putting out right now? Do you have any business friends you’d like to spotlight right now? Gather any interesting blog posts, live classes, eBooks, etc. you’ve seen around the internet and share those as appropriate on your social media channels. Even if you didn’t create the content, your audience will appreciate that you shared the content with them.

3) Tips And Strategies That Are Working For You And Your Employees Right Now

Now is the perfect time to source content from your team. What is everyone doing to transition to remote work, eat healthily, get adequate work/life balance, etc.? Ask your colleagues what’s been working for them during this weird time, and turn those tips into social media posts. These simple posts can make a significant impact on your relatability with customers, and you probably don’t have to do that much work to make it happen.

4) Behind The Scenes Looks At How Your Team Is Social Distancing

Another idea is to share a behind the scenes look at how your team is social distancing. Some organizations have done the flatten the curve picture with their team, but it can go even deeper than that. You can do office tours, let your team members take over and do a live stream about how they are social distancing, or even share a screenshot of your team meetings on Zoom. There are many ways to help your audience take a look at how your company is running.

5) Relevant And Up To Date COVID-19 News

You don’t want your company’s news feed to become a COVID-19 news factory. If you do share news, it should be relevant to what you do. For example, if you are a hair salon, you might share the COVID-19 related story that hair salons are being shut down in your state, but not all the COVID-19 news out there. Here’s why: many people are avoiding or limiting news intake right now because it’s scary and hard to digest. You don’t want your news feed to become something that people avoid if you don’t have to. Share COVID-19 news when it’s relevant to what you do as a company.

6) Company-Specific COVID-19 Updates

Another thing you want to share is company-specific COVID-19 updates. How does this differ from COVID-19 news? COVID-19 updates are your response to the pandemic. For example, you might have to furlough employees, so you’ll likely want to share that at some point on social media for transparency. Other COVID-19 updates include:

  • Special sales your running as a result of the pandemic

  • Money your company helped raise for COVID-19 victims.

  • If your employees or customers may have been or were exposed to COVID-19 at some point at your establishment.

  • What you’re doing to stop the spread of COVID-19 in your office or factory.

  • Unique store hours you might have because of COVID-19

If you’re doing anything different as a result of this virus, you should keep your social media followers up to date on it.

7) Links To Any Content You’ve Been Creating During This Time

Just like content curation, if you’ve been creating content for the audience on your blog around COVID-19 or just generally, you should share that on social media. Social media is an excellent megaphone that helps you amplify the content you are creating elsewhere. Don’t be afraid to share the content you’ve been creating in other areas of your business on social media as usual.

8) Memes Or Funny Content To Keep Your Followers Happy (Within Reason)

Your content can’t and shouldn’t be all gloom and doom. How are you helping your customers and followers keep their spirits high right now? Any meme or piece of light-hearted content you put up reflects your company. You want to make sure that these memes are within reason and have good taste. It’s okay to be funny and share jokes, but you don’t want to be insensitive or make fun of anyone during this time. Make sure that any funny content you post reflects your professional brand well. You might get some dislikes even if you take these precautions, though, unfortunately. What can you afford to do right now?

Alternative Idea: Feel-Good Stories

Alternatively, you can also share feel-good stories you see in your community. Are there any interesting stories you’ve seen about people helping others? Sharing those stories is a wonderful way to lift your followers and their spirits.

9) Throwback Content

Many industries can pivot online successfully, but some industries are halted during this challenging time. If you can’t pivot your business online easily, you can still create some good content. Share throwback content on days like Throwback Thursday or Flashback Friday. What was life like before COVID-19? Take your audience back to that time and share why you can’t wait to get back to that time with them. Even if you can’t take orders right now, you can still keep your business top of mind for when things go back to normal.

10) Customer Spotlights

Last but not least, you might want to create customer spotlights. Are your customers doing anything cool right now? Connect with your customers to see how they are using your products or how they are helping the community. Spotlight customers who are doing a fantastic job. For example, The Muse frequently spotlights their customers by sharing who is still hiring right now, amid everything happening with COVID-19. If you are a software company, go through your list of customers, check-in, and see how they are weathering the storm.


Social media should be a part of your routine, even during COVID-19. If you’re not consistently posting on social media, you could lose any of the steam you built by posting consistently before the virus started. You might not post as frequently as you did before COVID-19, but you should still be posting as much as you can.

What are you posting right now on social media?