Quick Tip Tuesday: 5 Ways To Inspire Creativity In Your Business

Owning a business can be creatively draining. Either you are creating all the time, and you lose creativity, OR your business removes your creativity because you don't get to create enough in your business. Either one of those situations can be damaging to your business. Here are some ways to inspire creativity in your business so you can get back to sharing your incredible talents with the world.

Quick Tip Tuesday: 5 Ways To Inspire Creativity In Your Business | Do you want to get inspired so you can create excellent content for your business? This blog post will teach you some quick tips on how to get inspired by your business once again! #…

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1. Switch Up Your Creative Space

It's easy to spend all your time creating in your office because that seems like an obvious place to create content for your business. What if you changed it up a bit?

  • Go to a local coffee shop

  • Set up shop outside your home or at a park

  • Visit the local library

  • Have a working lunch at a local restaurant

  • Check out a local co-working space

Lately, I have been going outside around sundown to work for about an hour. I can feel the sun on my face, and the wind rustles around me. Just getting out for a little bit each day is helping me calm down and create some great content or decompress for a little bit.

2. Read New Books & Articles

Another great way to inspire some creativity is to read a remarkable book or an article. If you don't have time to read a book, you could always purchase an audiobook from a website like Audible.

Read books related to your industry, memoirs, self-help books, anything that might inspire you to think and live a little bit differently.

Don't go for the basic books, go for the ones that challenge you and that have great ratings online.

Try to read at least 1-2 books a month.

Then for extra reading, find a couple of blogs in your industry that you adore. Subscribe to them using a tool like Feedly to keep all your blogs and websites in order.

Once you compile that list of blogs, you can continue to read them for inspiration.

3. Listen To Inspiring Talks

If reading books isn't enough, find some inspiring talks that you can listen to.

You can check out these talks by going to actual events, or you can even just look up TedTalks online or listen to some inspiring podcasts.

Whatever your method of listening to speakers is, get out there and find some speakers that you resonate with.

Find people who will help you see the world differently.

If you can attend events or conferences, those are always preferred, because those multi-day events can speak a ton of creative inspiration into your life. It's something about how they plan the events and activities so that you always leave those events feeling like a million bucks.

4. Try To Create Every Single Day

Creativity is often like a muscle.

You can't expect to inspire creativity in your business if you are inconsistent or shady with it.

Create something daily.

Whether you write a 3,000-word article, sketch on your canvas as the beginning of a painting, or practice piano for an hour.

Creating something, no matter how small, will help you stretch your creative muscle.

Try to do this even when you aren't creatively inspired. If we all waited until we were "inspired," creative things might not ever happen.

Push through those feelings you have of not wanting to create. See what happens when you make yourself put pen to paper daily. You just might surprise yourself.

5. Clear Your Mind

Last, but not least, you should make a habit of clearing your mind as much as you can.

Often we have all these extra things clogging up our brain power that make it hard for us to focus.

You should take some time when your brain feels extremely clogged to do some brain dumps.

When you are brain dumping you should do the following:

  • Get out a pen/pencil and a few sheets of paper/notebook

  • Write down the contents that are rubbing your brain the wrong way or taking up space

  • Continue to write until you just can't think of anything anymore

  • Take some time to read through and categorize that list (the categories can change depending on what was clogging up your brain at the time)

  • Tackle those things when you can or let yourself know that you can't fix certain things, so you get them off your mind

There is no particular time when you should brain dump. Try to do it when you feel the need to do so. Some people brain dump once a week or once every couple weeks.

Go Inspire Creativity In Your Business

Hopefully, with these five tips, you are ready to inspire creativity in your business. Creativity is vital so you can connect with your audience, create stellar products, and move to the next level in your business.

I would love to know: what tips do you have for inspiring creativity in your business and everyday life?